Journal of Research in Education
Fall 1998
An International Journal
Published by the Eastern Educational Research Association
Contributed Articles:
Marvin W. Berkowitz
Conceptualizing Community: Problems and Possibilities for Research
Joel Westheimer
Discipline and Community in Moral and Character Education
F. Clark Power, Ann Marie R. Power and Vladimir T. Khmelkov
An Outline of Social-Cognitive Theory of Moral Character
Daniel K. Lapsley
Leadership Styles of Presidents of Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Fred B. Holman, Alan B. Henkin, and Jay R. Dee
What is the Role of Cultural Diversity in the Teacher Education Curriculum?
John F. VonEschenbach and Micheal R. Hillis
Priorities for Dealing with School Dropout
David E. McIntosh, Tonya Chacon and Kay S. Bull
Yes, No, Maybe: Teachers’ Reactions to Action research
Pat Russo and Barbara Beyerbach
The Personalities of Exemplary Teachers
Louise A. Chandler and Rita M. Bean